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Save The Internet Essays - Abuse, Child Pornography, Crimes

Spare the Internet subject = English title = Save the Internet Did you realize that 83.5% of the pictures accessible on the Inte...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Collaborative Models in Elementary Education Classroom Research Paper

Collaborative Models in Elementary Education Classroom - Research Paper Example Different ways exist in which the children can obtain instructional support. I would approach teachers with the fact that collaboration enables students to learn in a minimal restrictive environment. In an assessment of whether the children are all having the same learning experience, I would be able to generate a report to show that special needs children need more specialized learning techniques as compared to the regular students. I will bring the teachers into account by telling them that each of them is responsible for everything that happens in a particular classroom. There should be a closer working association between the regular teachers and the special needs teachers (Solis, Vaughn, Swanson & Mcculley, 2012). The special education teachers are responsible for delivery of content in areas they are certified and experienced in, as a way of supporting teachers with no background in special education. I will therefore stress the importance of incorporating collaboration models such as team teaching in the school curriculum. This will involve the special and regular education teachers working together to cater for the needs and curiosity of all the students. The special education teachers guide the regular teachers on how to make alterations in the teaching skills in order to satisfy the needs of all students (van Garderen, Hanuscin, Lee & Kohn, 2012). van Garderen, D., Hanuscin, D., Lee, E., & Kohn, P. (2012). QUEST: A collaborative professional development model to meet the needs of diverse learners in K†6 science. Psychology in the Schools, 49(5),

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Functions of Strategic Management and Theories of Management

Functions of Strategic Management and Theories of Management Introduction Strategic management is one of the most key human activities. From the time human beings began forming social organizations to accomplish aims and objectives they could not achieve as persons, managing has been necessary to ensure the ordination of individual efforts. As society constantly relied on group effort, and as any organized groups have become large, the task of managers has been increasing in importance and complexity. Henceforth, managerial theory has become crucial in the way managers manage composite organizations. The middle theory of this paper is that although some managers in different parts of the world could have achieved managerial success without having basic theoretical knowledge in management, it has to be clearly emphasized that those managers who have mixed management theory in their day-to-day practice, have had better chances of managing their organizations more professionally and effectively to achieve both individual and organizational objectives. Therefore, managers of modern organizations ought to appreciate the important role they play in their respective organizations if they are to achieve set goals. Secondly, there is need to promote excellence among all persons in organizations, especially among managers themselves. Definition of strategic Management Management is the art, or science, of achieving goals through people. Since managers also manage, management can be interpret to mean accurately making sure people do hat they are supposed to do. Managers are therefore, expected to ensure greater productivity or, using the current terms, continuous improvement more broadly, management is the process of designing and maintain an environment in which persons, working together in groups, efficiently achieve selected aims . In its expanded form, this basic definition means several things. First, as managers, people carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Second, management applies to any kind of organization. Third, management applies to managers at all organizational levels. Fourth, the aim of all managers is the same to create extra. Finally, managing is concerned with output this implies efficiency and efficiency.      Strategic Management Objectives, Functions, Goals, and Essentiality Management Objectives There are fundamentally three management objectives. One objective is ensuring Organizational goals and targets are met with least cost and smallest amount waste. The second objective is looking after health and welfare, and safety of staff. The third purpose is caring the mechanism and resources of the organization, including the human resources. Strategic Management Functions To understand management, it is imperative that we break it down into five managerial functions, namely, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Planning: Planning involves selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them. It requires managerial, choosing future courses of act from among alternatives. Plans range from overall purposes and objectives to the most detailed actions to be taken. No real plan exists until a decision a obligation of human and material resources has been made. In other words, before a decision is made, all that exists is planning study, analysis, or a suggestion; there is no real plan. People working together in groups to achieve some goal must have roles to play. Generally, these roles have to be defined and structured by someone who wants to make sure that people put in in a specific way to group effort. Organizing: It is that part of management that involves establishing an intentional arrangement of roles for people to fill in an organization. Intentional in that all tasks essential to accomplish goals are assign and assigned to people who can do those best. Indeed, the purpose of an organizational structure is to help in creating an environment for human act. However, designing an organizational structure is not an easy managerial task because many problems are encountered in making structures fit situations, including both refining the kind of jobs that must be done and finding the people to do them. Staffing involves filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the organization structure. Leading: Leading is the influencing of people so that they will give to organization and group goals; it has to do mostly with the interpersonal aspect of managing. Most important problems to managers arise from people their needs and attitudes, their behavior as individuals and in groups. Hence, effective managers need to be effective leaders. Leading involve motivation, Controlling: Controlling, for example, budget for expense, is the measure and correct of behavior of subordinates to ensure that events conform to plans. It measures performance against goals and plans, shows where negative deviations exist, and, by putting in motion actions to correct deviation, helps ensure achievement of plans. Even though planning must precede controlling, plans are not self-achieving. Plans guide managers in the use of resources to accomplish specific goals, then activities are checked to determine whether hey conform to the plans. Compelling events to conform to plans means locating the persons who are liable for results that differ from planned action and then taking the required steps to improve performance. Thus, controlling what people do controls organizational outcomes. Coordinating: Finally, coordination is the essence of manager-ship for achieving synchronization among individual efforts toward the accomplishment of group goals. Each of the managerial functions discussed earlier on is an exercise causative to coordination. Because individuals often interpret similar interests in different ways, and their efforts in the direction of mutual goals do not automatically network with the efforts of others, it, thus, becomes the central task of the manager to reconcile differences in approach, timing, effort, or interest, and to go with individual goals to add to organizational goals. Although these management functions concern the internal environment for performance within an organization, managers must operate in the external environment of an organization as well. Clearly, managers cannot perform their tasks well unless they have an understanding of, and are responsive to, the many elements of the external environment economic, technological, social, political, and ethical factors that affect their areas of operation. Goals of All Managers First and prime, the logical and publicly enviable aim of all managers in all kinds of organizations, whether business or non-business, should be a spare. Thus, managers must set up an environment in which people can accomplish group goals with the least amount of time, money, resources, and personal discontent or in which they can achieve as much as possible of a desired goal with existing resources. In a non-business venture such as units of a business, such as an accounting department that are not responsible for total business profits, managers still have goals and should strive to achieve them with the minimum of resources or to accomplish as much as possible with available resources. A manager who achieves such an aim is said to be a strategic manager. The second goal or aim of all managers is that they must be creative. The: Essentiality of Management in Any Organization Managers are charged with the duty of taking actions that will make it possible for individuals to make their best help to group objectives. Thus, management applies to small and large organizations, to profit and not for-profit enterprises, to industrialized as well as service industries. However, a given situation may differ considerably among various levels in an organization or various types of enterprises. The scope of right held may vary and the types of problems dealt with may be significantly different. All managers obtain results by establishing an environment for effective group endeavor. In addition, all managers carry out managerial functions. However, the time spent for each function may differ. Thus, top-level managers spend more time on planning and organizing than do lower-level managers. Leading, on the other hand, takes a great deal of time for first-line supervisors. The distinction in the amount of time spent on controlling varies only slightly for managers at various levels. The manager is, therefore, the dynamic, life-giving element in every business. Without the leadership of the manager, resources of production remain mere resources and never become production. In a aggressive economy, the quality and performance of the managers determine the success of a business, indeed, they establish its survival. Managerial Skills and the Organizational Hierarchy Mangers require four main kinds of skills, namely: technical, human, and theoretical and design. What does each of these skills mean? Technical skill is knowledge of and skill in activities involving methods, processes, and procedures. Thus, it involves working with tools and specific techniques. Human skill is the ability to work with people; it is cooperative effort, is cooperation, it is the creation of an environment in which people feel secure and free to convey their opinions. For purposes of explanation, technical skills are of greatest importance at the supervisory level and less at the middle-management level, human skills in the frequent interactions with subordinates at all levels, theoretical skills not critical for lower-level supervisors but gain in importance at the middle-management level. At the top management level, conceptual and design abilities and human skills are especially valuable, but there is relatively little need for technical abilities. The assumption, especially in large companies, those chief executives can utilize the technical abilities of their subordinates. In smaller firms, however, technical experience may still be quite important. Why Study Management Theory? Theories are perspectives with which people make sagacity of their world experiences. Theory is a methodical grouping of interdependent concepts mental images of anything formed by simplification from particular and principles are generalizations or hypotheses that are tested for accuracy and appear to be true to reflect or explain real it that give a structure to, or tie together, a significant area of knowledge. Increase data are not in sequence unless the observer has knowledge of the theory that will explain relationships. However, the variety of approaches to management study, the welter of research, and the number of opposing views have resulted in much confusion as to what management is, what management theory and science is, and how managerial events should be analyzed. Principles in management are fundamental truths, explaining affairs between two or more sets of variables, usually an independent variable and a dependent variable. Principles may be descriptive or predictive, and not narrow. That is, they describe how one variable relates to another what will happen when these variables oblige. Managers who apply theory to managing must usually blend values with realities. Once managers know about theory, they will have the capacity to forestall future problems that may occur in the enterprise. At this point it is worth distinctive management theory from management techniques. Contrary to the theory we have discussed above, techniques are essentially ways of doing things; methods of accomplishing a given result. In all fields of practice, including management, they are important. Management Theories Modern theories of management tend to account for and help construe the rapidly changing nature of todays organizational environments. This document will deal with several important management theories which are broadly classified as follows: The Scientific Management School comprising the mechanism of Frederick W. Taylor and Jillian Gilbreths motion study, between others, the Classical Organizational Theory School comprising the works of Henri Fayols views on administration, and Max Webers dealized administration, among others, Behavioral School comprising the work of Elton Mayo and his associates, the Management Science School which I discuss at the end of his section, and Recent Developments in Management Theory comprising works such as Systems. Scientific Management School The first management theory is what is generally referred to as Frederick Taylors Scientific Management. Frederick Taylor started the time of modern management. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, he was decrying the awkward, ineffective, or ill-directed movements of men as national loss. Taylor consistently sought to depose management by rule of thumb and replace it with actual timed explanation leading practice. He also advocated the systematic training of workers in the one best practice other than allowing them personal discretion in their tasks. He further believed that the workload would be evenly shared between the workers and Classical Organizational Theory School In this category of management theory are the works of Max Webers practical theory and Henri Fayols managerial theory. Weber postulated that western civilization was shifting from thinking, moving action act derived from emotions, and traditional action action derived from past precedent to thinking. He believed that society was changing to seek technically optimal results at the expense of emotional or humanistic content. Weber then developed a set of principles for an ideal bureaucracy as follows: Fixed and official jurisdictional areas, a firmly prepared hierarchy of fantastic and subordination, management based on written records, thorough and expert training, official activity taking priority over other actions and that management of a given association follows stable, knowable rules. The establishment was envisioned as a large machine for attaining its goals in the most efficient manner possible. However, Weber was cautious of bureaucracy when he observed that the more fully realize, the more bureaucracy depersonalizes itself, the more completely it succeeds in achieving the exclusion of love, hatred, and every purely personal, especially irrational and limitless, feeling from execution of official tasks. Hence, Weber predicted a completely impersonal organization with little human level interaction between its members. Behavioral School The key scholar under this class is Elton Mayo. The origin of behavioral is the human relations movement that was a result of the Hawthorne Works Experiment carried out at the Western Electric Company, in the United States of America that started in the early 1920s. Elton Mayo and his associates experiments disproved Taylors beliefs that science dictate that the highest productivity was found in the one best way and that way could be obtained by controlled test. The Hawthorne studies attempted to determine the effects of lighting on worker productivity. When this experiment showed no clear link between light level and productivity the experiments then started looking at other factors. These factors that were considered when Mayo was working with a group of women incorporated rest breaks, no rest breaks, no free meals, more hours in the work-day/work-week or fewer hours in the workday/ work-week. With each of these changes, productivity went up. When the women were put back to their o riginal hours and conditions, they set a efficiency record. These experiments proved five things. Recent Developments in Management Theory Under this category of theory are the system Approach, Situational or possibility theory, Chaos theory, and Team Building theory. The systems theory has had a significant effect on management science and considerate organizations. A system is a collection f part unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one part of the system is removed, the nature of the system is changed as well. A system can be looked at as have inputs. system share advice among each of these four aspects of the system. Management as Practice Managing, like all other practice whether medication, music work of art, engineering, accountancy, or even baseball is an art, it is know-how. It is doing things in the light of the reality of a position. Yet managers can work better by using the organized information about management. It is this knowledge that constitutes science. However, the science underlying managing is fairly crude and inexact. This is true because the many variables with which managers deal are really complex. Yet, such management knowledge can certainly improve managerial practice. Managers who attempt to manage without management science must put their trust to luck, intuition, or what they did in the past. In managing, as in any other field, unless practitioners are to learn by trial and error, there is no place they can turn for meaningful guidance other than the accumulated knowledge underlying their practice, this accumulated knowledge is theory. For practical purposes, all managers must develop three s ets of skills, namely, conceptual, technical, and human. Conclusion In end, it has to be restated that management is the procedure of designing and maintain an environment for the reason of efficiently accomplish preferred aims. Managers carry out the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Managing is a necessary activity at all executive level. However, the managerial skills necessary vary with organizational levels. The progress of management theory involves the growth of concepts, philosophy, and techniques. There are many theories about management, and each contributes something to our knowledge of what managers do. Each approach or theory has its own chacteristics and recompense as well as limitations. The prepared, or management procedure, pproach draws on each and methodically integrates them. Finally, the organization is an open system that operates in and interacts with the environment. The systems advance to management includes inputs from the outer environment and from claimants, the alteration process, the communication system, external factors, outputs, and a way to recuperate the system. No doubt, a manager who makes serious attempts to translate theory into reality is bound to increase productivity more than a manager who chooses to use the error approach. BIBLIOGRAPHY Homans G. C. (1958) The Human Group (New York: Harcout, Brace and World). Fleet David D. Van and Peterson Tim O. (1994) Contemporary Management (Houghton Mifflin Company), Third Edition. Koontz Harold (1961) The Management Theory Jungle, in Journal of the Academy of Management, December. Koontz Harold (1962) Making Sense of Management Theory, in Harvard Business Review, July-August. Koontz Harold (1980) The Management Theory Revisited, in Academy of Management Review, April. Koontz Harold and Weihrich Heinz (1990) Essentials of Management, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill. Stoner James A. F., Freeman R. Edward, and Gilbert, Jr. Daniel R. (2003) Management (New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India), Sixth Edition.

Friday, October 25, 2019

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Essays -- English Literature Essays

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Your memories are your treasures, an accumulated amount of wealth that under extreme conditions remind you of the past and define the present, if it be good or bad. A picture for example, is a frame captured in the moving animation of time and is frequently regarded as being worth a thousand words. If one single frame, one dimension, one moment, something so short it can’t even be expressed by time, be valued as a thousand words. Then take into consideration a memory, something which takes into account of all sense, takes consideration to time, mind, emotion and thought, something that has infinite value and is only second to the present and by all means of ever so advancing technology has yet to be mimicked. Yet there is one device that has this ability and has been used for thousands of years, literature. A narrow mined answer would probably be poetry, but even with the extremities of poetry to allow such powerful passages of events; basic literature is still the foundation for every other category including poetry. It works by your mind building the â€Å"memory†, which in turns becomes yours. Your newly acquired memory is unique in itself and nobody else shares it the same. Something that is felt through William Wordsworth’s â€Å"I wandered lonely as a cloud† and expresses such extreme emotion but does in such a manner that allows the reader to evaluate there need for such a place, a place to come back to, to look into their mind and to reminisce th...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gender in Arcadia and the Importance of Being Ernest

Compare and contrast how Wilde and Stoppard portray the women in ‘Arcadia’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’, in light of the opinion that the sexes compliment each other in ‘Arcadia’ whereas, the women dominate the men in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. The female characters in both ‘Arcadia’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ have significant roles and have a certain amount of control in their relationships. However, in ‘the importance of being earnest’ the women dominate the men and exert their power without the male characters knowing it.In ‘The Importance of Being Earnest', Jack and Algernon are the main male characters. They have encounters with Gwendolen, Lady Bracknell and Cecily. These characters are rather unusual ladies for the time period, and their behaviour is not what was considered to be of a typical Victorian lady; however they still try to uphold a sophisticate d and polite manner. One particular part which shows this very well, is a scene between Cecily and Gwendolen.When the women think they are both engaged to the same man, they use their actions to show their anger and dislike towards each other, rather than words. For example, when Cecily asks Gwendolen if she would like sugar in her tea, Gwendolen replies with ‘No, thank you. Sugar is not fashionable any more’, after hearing this Cecily puts four lumps of sugar into Gwendolen’s tea. This blatant ignoring of a request was not morally right for a lady to do in this era, and Cecily uses it to insult Gwendolen.By doing this, Cecily upholds her civil conduct but still manages to display her resentment for Gwendolen. In contrast to this, in ‘Arcadia’ when Hannah and Chloe are talking about Bernard and Gus, they state how they feel and what they are thinking very clearly through words. ‘I’m just trying to fix you up, Hannah’, Chloe is say ing quite plainly that she is trying to get Hannah with Bernard, whereas if this was said in the same time period as ‘The Importance of Being Earnest' then it would have been said in a much less direct way.Another situation that shows how women overpower men in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest' is when Jack proposes to Gwendolen. Gwendolen uses her girlish charms to persuade jack to do as she says. When Jack says that he doesn’t care much for the name Ernest, Gwendolen uses flirtatious comments to make Jack agree that Ernest is a ‘divine name’, and consequently Jack decides to be christened as soon as possible under the name of Ernest.In comparison to this, Hannah and Bernard argue in ‘Arcadia’ and Bernard does not agree with everything Hannah says and voices his own opinion instead. ‘It’s not going to jump out at you like ‘Lord Byron remarked wittily at breakfast! ’ the way Bernard supports himself is quite unli ke the way the men in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest' agree with everything the women say and do not stress their own thoughts. Lady Bracknell is both a portrayal of a typical Victorian lady, but also has modern manners about her.She knows her place and thinks the way an upper class, well spoken and married woman would behave in those days. However, Lady Bracknell also presents another side to her, where she controls her husband and close males relatives. By using her authority, wealth and social class, she manipulates the men around her to think as she does and conform to her ideas of a suitable man. ‘Mr Worthing! Rise from this semi- recumbent posture. It is most indecorous.He tries to rise; Gwendolen restrains him’ the idea that a woman tells Jack to do something, and he tries to do so, but is prevented by another woman, shows just how different ‘The Importance of Being Earnest' is different to ‘Arcadia’, because the women tend to try to im press and fit in with the males desires in ‘Arcadia’ . ‘Arcadia’ shows a very different relationship between the sexes, as they praise each other’s good findings but also insult and tease incorrect ones. The relationship between Septimus and Thomasina,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can You Teach Compassion?

Can You â€Å"Teach† Compassion As nurse educators, who could be a better example of teaching compassion to us than the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ? Jesus was the ultimate teacher, healer, and lover of mankind. Matthew 9:35-39 states: â€Å"Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. ’†(NKJV) As Christians, Jesus Christ is our example of how to live. If Jesus could have compassion for those who He loved, so should we. We should show this compassion to our patients as we seek to help them reach healing. We should see k to teach our students how to have compassion for those that they will serve. Compassion, or caring, can be viewed as â€Å"nursing’s most precious asset† (Schantz, 2007), a fundamental element of nursing care (Dietze and Orb, 2000), and as one of the strengths of the profession.One can think of few other professions that are known for their â€Å"caring†. But this act of caring does not come naturally to the nursing student-it must be taught. The nurse educator must seek out specific exercises to instill caring practices in the nursing student. According to Wright (2004), â€Å"Society has witnessed an increase in the power of technology, and this appears to be mirrored in nursing, where the technical and managerial aspects of care take priority over care delivery – possibly because the expansion of nurses’ role has eroded the essence of nursing. The nurse of today is so busy with computer charting, monitoring, and the technical duties of nursin g that little time is actually left for â€Å"caring† for the patient. The nurse of today’s technology overloaded healthcare field must make a special effort to learn how to show compassion to his/her patients. Do nursing students understand compassionate care? According to Pearcey (2007), â€Å"student nurses considered that it was doing the little things for patients that constituted a caring approach. Pearcey goes on to offer the perspective that â€Å"nursing has a functional component or ‘doing’ role, as well as a ‘being’ role. † As human beings, we have all been touched by someone’s compassion for us. Therefore, most of us, including nursing students, have a basic understanding of what compassion is and how to administer it. That being said, nursing students do not automatically know how to integrate compassion into their daily nursing care and must be taught these skills. Dr. Patch Adams, M. D. (2011) of the Gesundheit In stitute has studied the value of compassionate care and its positive effect on holistic care.He has encouraged, challenged, and enticed medical schools to include compassion training in their programs. Dr. Adams has suggested that medical (and nursing) students be included in a two-year study of compassion to help them learn to recognize, appreciate, and integrate compassion into every aspect of the care they give. His suggestions for a small student group study of compassion include: 1. Keep a journal about your relationship to love and compassion. What is it? Ask everyday—How are you giving it? (Pay close attention. Be present. ) How are you receiving it? From everything, from strangers, from trees, etc. ) 2. Do outrageous things for love, like clowning. 3. Actually see if you can produce the vibration of compassion for prolonged periods. What sustains it? (friends, having meaning, fun †¦ ) What hurts it? (arrogance, apathy, tight underwear †¦ ) Are there times yo u do not want to be compassionate? 4. Be observant of compassion in action around you, everywhere. Give details of its languages. 5. Become aware of compassionate projects around the world and plan on at least one elective at a project.Post these projects on this website and ideally how to contact them. 6. Explore the language of love and compassion. Read psychologists and poets, write essays on things you love. Add books you love to our book list. 7. How do you recognize love/compassion? Are there measurements? 8. Do we invite professors in on our exploration? Who? 9. How do you change performances of compassion in different situations? 10. At the small weekly meetings, find easy ways to present your findings to the group. Mention difficulties and ways they were overcome.Search for common languages to speak of these things. Keep notes. Bring questions for the group and preceptor. Integrating these discussion topics to be used in small nursing student groups could effectively teach the nursing student to administer compassionate nursing care. Not to say that teaching compassion to nursing students is an easy job. Not only is compassion difficult to define, but even more difficult to measure, leading to a broad range of definitions and measurements that confound and discourage the teacher and the student.Newton (2010) argues that â€Å"the key to developing a compassionate nurse is being a role model for them so they know how to act with patients and what kinds of approaches to care they should take. Too often, we make assumptions that a junior nurse instinctively â€Å"knows† how to wash or feed a patient or how to deliver fundamental care. † In conclusion, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2008) emotions like compassion can be taught. The healthcare providers and patients expect and demand that nurses provide compassionate care.The challenge exists for nurse educators to model and teach compassionate nursing care i n an ever-demanding, technologically growing nursing profession. References: Adams, P. (2011, March). Education of compassion. Patch Adams M. D. & Gesundheit! Institute. Retrieved from http://patchadams. org/education-in-compassion-update-march-2011 Dietze, E. V. , Orb, A. (2000) Compassionate care: a moral dimension in nursing. Nursing Inquiry; 7: 3, 166-174. Fields, J. (2008, March 27). Can you really teach compassion? New study says yes. jonathanfields. Retrieved from http://www. jonathanfields. com/blog/can-you-really-teach-compassion-new-study-

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Computing Power Unleashed Essays - Central Processing Unit

Computing Power Unleashed Essays - Central Processing Unit Computing Power Unleashed This article mainly deals with the microprocessor chip, which is the computer's brain. This computer chip is responsible for the majority of the computers functions, it's commonly referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU). It receives and executes your instructions and determines if your computer understands software written for a Personal Computer (PC) or a Macintosh (MAC). The CPU chip size is small, about half the size of a business card, and just as small as your thumbnail. Intel is the leading manufacturer of microprocessor for IBM PC's, also other companies manufacture them also. However Apple, IBM, and Motorola have combined to create a power chip designed to be used in IBM PC's and Macintosh computers. However Intel microprocessors are as follows 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486, and the Pentium. The prefix 80 is commonly dropped. Then we look at the CPU package dealing with the electronic circuits. This chip is made of silicon, containing numerous tiny transistors with tiny wire protruding from it. The chip is encase in black plastic and sits on the motherboard which contains all of the computers circuitry. Microprocessors have all different kinds of internal processor speed, commonly known as clock speed. This represents the number of clock cycles a chip can produce per second and how quickly the CPU can execute commands. The speed is measured in megahertz (MHz) for example 25MHz equals to 25 million clock cycles per second. The CPU also contains the databus (a wire) across of it that moves the information.. Which is measured in bits (smallest piece of information). These chips are compared by the Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance (ICOMP). They compare a number of industry standards to determine the power of different CPU's. Nevertheless a breakthrough in the 486 series chips surfaced, Intel offered the 486DX in 1989 better than 386, amore faster CPU with clock speeds up to 33MHz, including 1.2 million transistors compared to the 386's, and also offered a math coprocessor. The drawbacks was it was to expensive for the common person.. In 1991 Intel came up with the 486SX with no math coprocessor and speeds up to 25Mhz which made more affordable. Nonetheless, in 1992 Another breakthrough by Intel by introducing the 486DX2 with clock speeds up to 66MHz with slightly a higher price which made the perfect upgrade tool for people who could not afford it. Next the fifth generation was introduced by Intel again with high priced CPU, the Pentium processor, the most powerful one yet. Introduced in 1993 and operating between 66MHz to 100MHz. With the Intel's 3 new plants, prices went down for these chips. However id not stop there, Intel introduce another CPU processor, the 486DX4 with clock speeds of 75MHz to 100MHz with lesser cost than pentiums. Nevertheless, determining the CPU that rights for you must be a decision between the type of power you want and can afford.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Beyond the Scientific Method

Essay on Beyond the Scientific Method Essay on Beyond the Scientific Method CASE STUDY # 1 UNCOVERING THE SOURCE OF A COMA PREPARED BY: ALLANTE WEBB DATE: 9/13/11 CHM 1030.007 The purpose of this case study is to apply the scientific method by making empirical observations, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, revising the hypothesis, and eventually asserting a theory. LG is a 35 year old woman who came into the emergency room with numerous of symptoms. She had stiff muscles and has shortness of breath. LG was also sweaty and shaky. These symptoms were experienced before she was diagnosed with hypokalemia. In her past medical history it was discovered that she suffers from spina bifida since birth, asthma, a latex allergy, has an ileostomy, and a leg weakness. Because of her leg weakness LG has to use a walker. LG has been suffering from numerous things since birth. When a person has been diagnosed with other diseases or sickness it is common for them to be affected in other ways too. Over time I believe her spina bifida worsened and affected her lungs and made her muscles stiff. The result is bad because her health is more at risk. There was nothing done right or wrong. The disease just spread throughout her body and now is making it hard for her to breath. Even though she has asthma, which is treated with a nebulizer, this does not aide in her breathing. LG also had an ileostomy which is a surgical opening constructed by bringing the end loop of the small intestine out onto the surface of her skin. In order to further support my hypothesis I would ask the patient to present to me her family medical history. This will help in finding a way to solve her symptoms that are now occurring. I would like to find out if spina bifida and or hypokalemia is in her past history. Having the family medical history will help me better understand how this happened to LG and why. I would asses her breathing and muscle strength. This would inform me how fast her bones are stiffening. If spina bifida causes her shortness of breath and stiff muscles then that will explain why she has these symptoms. Hypokalemia is not the diagnosis of LG. I am now going to research both of these diagnoses and see if my hypothesis is proven. Hypokalemia is means that the potassium in the blood is too low. It causes a small elevation in blood pressure and can provoke cardiac arrthythmias. Cardiac arrthymias is when the heart’s normal rhythm is disrupted. This leads to shortness of breath. Hypokalemia causes muscles cramps, muscle weakness, and also constipation. Urinary loss, low potassium intake, and integument loss are a few causes of hypokalemia. In order to treat hypokalemia it has to be determined how severe the case is. Mild hypokalemia is treated with an oral potassium chloride supplement. Potassium related food is put into the person’s diet. Severe hypokalemia is treated intravenous with an IV supplementation. When replacing potassium intravenously, infusion via a central line is encouraged to avoid the frequent occurrence of a burning sensation at the site of a peripheral IV, or the rare occurrence of damage to the vein. Spina bifida is a congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryo neural tube. There are no clear causes of this disease but researchers believe it could be environmental or genetic. In severe cases the spine and back will swell. The person will have nerve damage that will affect their daily life. The person with spina bifida also develops an allergy to latex. Spina bifida is diagnosed before and after birth. While pregnant a woman can get an ultrasound and have blood work done to see if her child has this defect. She can also undergo a maternal triple or quadruple screen. If the triple or quadruple screen test shows that you have elevated levels of alpha-fetoprotein a neural tube defect in the fetus, such as spina bifida, may be suspected. In this case more detailed tests are done. Spina bifida can be treated by physical

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Introducing Shakespeares Dark Lady Sonnets

Introducing Shakespeares Dark Lady Sonnets The Dark Lady Sonnets (sonnets 127 – 152) follow the fair youth sequence. In sonnet 127, the dark lady enters the narrative and instantly becomes the object of the poet’s desire. The speaker introduces the woman by explaining that her beauty is unconventional: In the old age black was not counted fair,Or if it were, it bore not beauty’s name;†¦ Therefore my mistress’ eyes are raven black †¦ not born fair, no beauty lack. From the poet’s perspective, he is treated badly by the dark lady. She is a temptress described in sonnet 114 as â€Å"my female evil† and â€Å"my bad angel† which ultimately causes anguish for the poet. She seems to be linked to the young man in some way and some sonnets suggest that she is having a passionate affair with him. As the poet’s frustrations build, he begins to use the word â€Å"black† to describe her evil rather than her beauty. For example, the poet sees the dark lady with another man later on in the sequence and his jealousy boils to the surface. Notice how the word â€Å"black† is used with negative connotations in sonnet 131: One on another’s neck do witness bearThy black is fairest in my judgement’s place.In nothing art thou black save in thy deeds,And thence this slander, as I think, proceeds. Top 5 Most Popular Dark Lady Sonnets Sonnet 127: In The Old Age Black Was Not Counted Fair Sonnet 130: My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun Sonnet 131: Thou Art As Tyrannous, So As Thou Art Sonnet 142: Love Is My Sin, And Thy Dear Virtue Hate Sonnet 148: O Me! What Eyes Hath Love Put In My Head A full list of the Dark Lady Sonnets (Sonnets 1 – 126) is also available.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Assignment

Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Business - Assignment Example Understanding the Implications of Finance as a Resource Within a Business The banks and the individuals willing to start the start will move in a contract where the individuals agree to pay installments on monthly basis. The bank will also charge interests for the loan amount. The source of finance with the usual payment period of more than 15 years is regarded as the long term loan. This kind of loan is generally required for the expansion processes or buying a fixed asset. This kind of loan can be achieved from financial intermediaries. A fixed interest rate generally higher than the interest rate on bank loan is accrued in this type of loan. It is required to pay monthly instalments as well as the fixed interest rate. Another source of finance is the short term loan. This type of loan comprises of loan for short periods usually within 5 years. The financial intermediaries have the ability to provide such kind of loans and the contract requires the one taking the loan to pay the principle along with the agreed interest within the specific time period. Ba nks provides overdrafts and charge for its services (Hennessy and Whited, 2007, p. 1). The bank of England sets the rate of interest at which it provides loan to the financial institutions. The interest rate has the potential to affect the interest rates of the commercial banks, the prices of the financial assets and the rate of exchange which can affect the consumer as well as the business demand. Another mode of raising finance is retained earnings. The retained earnings can be increased by generating increased sales which will shed its impact on the profit level and can also be reinvested into the operations of the business (Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, n.d.). Explanation of the importance of financial planning Financial planning can be studied from both, individual point of view or from the point of view of a company. From the point of view of the individual, financial planning can be thought of as an integrated approach to ensure the well being of th e individual under consideration (Diatax, n.d.). The importance of financial planning lies in the success of a business. For a company, financial plan refers to primarily to three financial statements i.e. balance sheet, income statement as well as the cash flow statement. The financial plan is created with the plan of the business and it can also refer to the projected income or expenditure for a division of a company or the company itself. The decision regarding the processes of cash flow and the estimation of total cash requirements is also taken into account in the financial plan. Financial planning acts as the backbone of a business and if any company operates without any financial planning it is likely to end up in financial distress or financial grip. If the company runs of the roadmap of solid financial foundation it is assumed that the organization will be able to provide a good act in the realm of payable accounts. The financial planning is helpful for the financial analys ts to withstand the harder times and take advantage of the good times. A good and proper financial planning paves the way for the company when to deal with the outstanding debt as well as the rise in the operating costs. Every company should have a planned financial plan in order to anticipate the conditions of the future. The financial pla

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gun violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gun violence - Research Paper Example Ownership of gun is restricted in most of the other countries including democratic countries. For example, an individual can own a gun India only if the court or the police authorities grand him the permission of gun license. He should convince the authorities that his life and property is in danger and ownership of gun is necessary for him to protect his life and properties. However in America, it is not necessary that an individual should convince the authorities about the reasons of gun ownership. Anybody, even school children in America can own a gun, legally or illegally. As a result of that, gun related violence is growing in America at present. The Sun (March 12, 2013), reported that a GUNMAN has shot two people at a high school in California - less than a month after 26 were slaughtered in the Sandy Hook massacre. It follows last month's slaughter by Adam Lanza who killed 20 young children and six adults at the Sandy Hook elementary school - reigniting the gun laws debate in the US (Two shot in yet another school shooting in America, 2010). Sandy Hook massacre shook America recently and the public debates over the topic of gun control heated up again. The relationship between gun ownership and gun violence is researched heavily by prominent scholars now. Many people believe that gun violence is directly proportional to gun ownership. In other words, when the number of gun owners increases in a society, the chances of gun violence also increases. This paper critically analyses this claim and argues that "The states (in the U.S.) with the highest gun ownership also have the highest gun violence related casualties". Literature Review A new study, led by a Boston University School of Public Health researcher, Dr. Michael Siegel, published in American Journal of Public Health shows that U.S. states with higher estimated rates of gun ownership experience a higher number of firearms-related homicides. This study analyzed the claim by the National Rifle Associa tion’s (NRA) that increased gun ownership does not lead to increased gun violence and argued that these claims are totally baseless. They have conducted this study across 50 American states and the completion of this study (The largest in the history of US) took around 30 years (1981-2010). They found that for each 1 percentage point increase in the prevalence of gun ownership, the homicide rate increases by 0.9 percent (Siegel, 2013). The study by Hepburn & Hemenway, (2004, p.4170) supports the findings of Siegel and his associates. After a comprehensive study, they found that gun availability is a risk factor for homicide, both in the United States and across high-income countries.   They argued that in homes, cities, states and regions in the US, where there are more guns, people are at higher risk for homicide. The second amendments in United States’ constitution protect the right of individuals to bear arms. Self-defense is accepted as a human right in America. Even after plenty of unpleasant and cruel incidents, the authorities are not much keen in putting any control on gun ownership or gun violence. Even the immature teenagers can possess guns and they can carry such things easily to the schools. Even though president Obama expressed deep concerns about the gun control laws in America, after the Sandy Hook massacre, his earlier stands were neither in favor nor against the strengthening of gun

Internet TV Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet TV - Assignment Example At the same time, it will save huge cost of the viewers. The company’s aim is to deliver news instantly across its network so that it reaches the customer on demand and at the same time faster than its competitors. The internet TV model will help the company achieve this goal. In the traditional TV model, the broad casting station had to depend on the cable operator for transmitting their news to viewers. Now, this model had limitation that some cable operator might charge extra money to viewers to watch the channel which often acted as a barrier between the company and target audience. With the new O-T-T model, the company will be able to reach their customers directly through internet. The broadcasting network will receive payments from the customers directly by shifting to the new model, as it eliminates the cable operator from the picture. Such model is beneficial for both the NBC as well as its viewers as the company will be able to receive new streams of revenues that we re blocked with cable operators in the earlier model (Odlyzko, 2001, p.8). In short we can say that there will no net losers for the new model since the viewers will pay less since they are paying directly to broadcasting station and the NBC will receive greater revenues since it does not have to share its revenues with the cable operators. Action Plan for Rogers Rogers Communications Inc. is a diversified Canadian telecommunication company. The company broadcasts its network across various media including the television, radio, internet, etc. If we consider the traditional TV model which the company used to reach their customer, we will find that the model has limited scope for transmission if the company wants to be global. This is mainly because when domestic company plans to operate globally, it has to take many clearances from the promotional boards. At the same time, it will need local distribution networks. Thus, we can say that the entire process is complex as well as techni cally costly to implement that way. The company has the option to opt the O-T-T TV model that will enable the global viewers, thanks to the application of e-commerce industry. This model does not need local distributors, or foreign clearances. All a customer needs to see their favorite channel is to connect their television with internet using a set-top box. Thus, if Rogers implement this model, their organization will definitely have competitive advantage as well as cost advantage. At the same time, large number of viewers across the globe may be targeted without any troubles. The model is very simple and easy to implement. In short, we may say that Rogers as well as its TV viewers will be gainers if this model is implemented by the organization. Action plan for Bell Canada Bell Canada is a Canadian telecommunication and media company. The company’s main competitor is Rogers. With both the company’s working in same line of business, the company that will reach its vie wers faster and smarter way will be the gainer. If Bell adapts the O-T-T model, it will significantly reduce its cost of transmission as they will not have to share their revenues with the middle-men or the cable

International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

International Relations - Essay Example Section 3(a) of the IMF fund‘s agreement requires â€Å"the funding to adopt policies towards using resources (Goldstein et al. 480) as well as the special policies for special balance of payments problems. These policies will assist members to solve their balance of payments problems in a manner consistent with the provisions of this agreement ad that will establish adequate safeguards for the temporary use of the general resources of the fund† (IMF 2002). Additionally, the initiative will stipulate the IMF and encourage the borrowing countries to affect their policy changes in a way that may help the country to repay its debt without having to affect negatively the IMF. The countries must therefore make a legal agreement that binds them to compliance with the Fund â€Å"conditionalities†. However, the least developed countries have been given improved conditions in that the IMF has undertaken a review of its conditionality to poor countries in order to streamlin e them to Poverty Reduction Growth facility (PRGF). As a result, public sector, employment, trade policy, public enterprise reforms, privatization, social security, pricing and systematic reforms have been included in the agreement. As a result, least developed countries have been given more â€Å"conditionalities† as compared to the developed countries. As a third world leader, accepting most of the conditionality given to the third world countries is an â€Å"economic Suicide†. They may subject the economy to a series of problems encompassed with huge debts and inability to owner the fund’s agreement. Section 3(a) for instance is an infringement of the economy of a country. It translates to a form of neo-colonialism in which the recipient country has to reform and implement its national economic policies in accordance to what an external body demands. It inhibits the sovereignty of a state to act within its limits

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alcohol Abuse -and explain physical part what it does to people Research Paper

Alcohol Abuse -and explain physical part what it does to people - Research Paper Example Majority of the people in this world might have consumed alcohol at some point of time in their life. There are many people who use alcohol in a controlled manner. When alcohol is used in a controlled manner, it may not cause many damages either to a person or to the society. However, it is difficult to use alcohol in a controlled manner because of its abilities to make person addictive to it. Most of the people start alcohol use just for a joke and become addicted to it unknowingly. Alcohol abuse is one of the major multifaceted problems in the world which has social, emotional and physical dimensions. The social dimension of alcoholism is the family problems and subsequent divorce issues. Alcoholism may cause sexual dysfunction which can create problems in family life. In many cases, divorce is taking place because of the alcoholic husband or wife. Moreover alcoholism can cause mental diseases such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia etc. The most vital aspect of alcoholism is the possibility of development of physical diseases to body organs such as liver, pancreas, heart etc. In many cases, alcohol can cause cancer disease also. In short alcoholism can generate physical, mental and social problems. This paper limits its focus only to the physical problems which can be generated as a result of alcoholism. The commitments of current generation are more than that of the earlier generation. Current generation has lot of social, cultural, professional and personal commitments. It is difficult for them to fulfill all these commitments equally well. The failure to fulfill commitments will increase the stress levels of the people which may lead them to an imaginary or virtual world- the world of alcohol. Most of the people take shelter in the world of alcohol in order to stay away from realities in the real world. â€Å"More than 2 million American people experience

Science and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Science and Religion - Essay Example According to him, personal interpretations should be given the benefit of the doubt and should not be immediately accepted or taught. As an example, Boyle cites those who, out of intense devotion and blinded by faith, tend to â€Å"increase the number, and the wonderfulness of mysteries,† and think that â€Å"things are fittest to be believed, when they are not clearly to be proved or understood.† Upon making an assumption that a supreme being exists, Boyle then proceeded to point out that as humans, there are things which we simply could not understand about God’s existence and his works. Boyle explains that, â€Å"†¦if his attributes and perfections be not fully comprehensible to our reason, we can have but inadequate conceptions of them and †¦ there may be some things in his nature, and in the manner of his existence, which is without all example, or perfect analogy, in inferior beings.† From this statement, Boyle has carefully established the limits of human reason and on the basis of the scientific context at the time, this may have successfully answered or silenced further inquiry or doubts about the Christian religion. Boyle further adds that when such a point is reached where reason would no longer suffice in bringing answers, we should rather turn to God and not to our own conclusions for, says Boyle, â€Å"whatever he tells us is infallibly true.† He also points out that even such brilliant minds as Galileo and Descartes have, like him, kept their faith intact despite being scientists themselves.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Alcohol Abuse -and explain physical part what it does to people Research Paper

Alcohol Abuse -and explain physical part what it does to people - Research Paper Example Majority of the people in this world might have consumed alcohol at some point of time in their life. There are many people who use alcohol in a controlled manner. When alcohol is used in a controlled manner, it may not cause many damages either to a person or to the society. However, it is difficult to use alcohol in a controlled manner because of its abilities to make person addictive to it. Most of the people start alcohol use just for a joke and become addicted to it unknowingly. Alcohol abuse is one of the major multifaceted problems in the world which has social, emotional and physical dimensions. The social dimension of alcoholism is the family problems and subsequent divorce issues. Alcoholism may cause sexual dysfunction which can create problems in family life. In many cases, divorce is taking place because of the alcoholic husband or wife. Moreover alcoholism can cause mental diseases such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia etc. The most vital aspect of alcoholism is the possibility of development of physical diseases to body organs such as liver, pancreas, heart etc. In many cases, alcohol can cause cancer disease also. In short alcoholism can generate physical, mental and social problems. This paper limits its focus only to the physical problems which can be generated as a result of alcoholism. The commitments of current generation are more than that of the earlier generation. Current generation has lot of social, cultural, professional and personal commitments. It is difficult for them to fulfill all these commitments equally well. The failure to fulfill commitments will increase the stress levels of the people which may lead them to an imaginary or virtual world- the world of alcohol. Most of the people take shelter in the world of alcohol in order to stay away from realities in the real world. â€Å"More than 2 million American people experience

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ireland during World War I And the Role Britain Played Research Paper

Ireland during World War I And the Role Britain Played - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that after looking at the legislative measures passed during World War I and the events of Irish Revolution, it is evident that World War I was giving Britain too many problems. These developments ultimately gave the Irish people an opportunity to force Britain so that free Republic state of Ireland could be formed. This paper makes a conclusion that Britain followed a policy of sharp oppression in order to crush the rising. It was mainly fuelled by the belief that the rebels were acting with German connivance and help. However the execution of the revolutionaries by the government resulted in widespread public revulsion. This exacerbated the growing alienation of the Irish from the British administration. This in turn led to Irish popular support for the republican separatist movement Sinn Fein. Strong suppression of the Easter Rising by the British fueled popular support in Ireland for the Republican separatist movement Sinn FÃ ©in . It was due to this fact and the conscription crisis of 1918 that Sinn FÃ ©in was able to defeat the Redmondite nationalists in the general elections of December 1918 and won most of the seats. In short it can be said that the strong suppression of the rebellion alienated the British from the Irish. The political background of the Irish Revolution was set in the strong suppression of the rebellion by the United Kingdom. Strong suppression of the rebellion by the British Empire led to the fact that people of Ireland began to have sympathy for the revolutionaries and their agenda which led to the electoral victory of Sinn FÃ ©in.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Management Styles At Coca Cola Business Essay

The Management Styles At Coca Cola Business Essay Coca Cola is one of the leading manufacturer of the carbonated drinks all around the world . Over the past decades , the Coca Cola remained on the top of the industry . The company was able to withstand the World War II and even took it as the business opportunity rather than a liability . It was even able to surpass the Asian Financial Crisis and even gained better access in the markets that it was not able to fully enter . Coca Cola exhibited the efficient change management as the part of the strategic management process . Change management is the process in which it manages the change in the side of the people . Their individual change management and the organizational change management are the theories of the change management . Aside from the theories , there are also four strategies of the change management which are the Empirical rational , the normative reductive , power coercive and the environmental adaptive which the company has been successfully adopted but it is now faci ng major jolts in its business operations and the competitors are gaining the advantage out of the same . Based on the above case-let , analyse the position of the company with respect to : Coca-Cola Corporation Management Strategies with respect to its technological advancement in 21st centaury . Change in Information System due to changes in the world -wide market structures . ANSWER : Management Styles at Coca-Cola http://www.snre.umich.edu/sites/all/files/styles/blog_image/public/images/coca-cola_logo.jpg The success that the management team has in motivating its employees to meet their objectives is based on the management style they adopt . There are three main management styles democratic , autocratic and the laissez-faire style . The  democratic  leadership style  consists of the leader , sharing the  decision making  abilities with the group members by promoting the interests of the group members and by practicing  social equality . The  authoritarian  leadership style  or  autocratic  leader  keeps strict , close control over the followers by keeping close regulation of the policys and procedures given to the  followers . To keep main emphasis on the distinction of the authoritarian leader and their followers , these types of the leaders make sure to only create a distinct  professional  relationship . The  laissez-faire  leadership style  was first introduced by the Lewin , Lippitt and White in 1938 , along with the autocratic leadership and the democratic leadership styles . The laissez faire style is sometimes described as the hands off leadership style because the leader delegates the tasks to their followers , while providing little or no direction to the followers . The North London Coca Cola branch has ethos or culture than is run in the laissez-faire style meaning the hands off approach . If the workers are meeting their KBI , Key Business Indicators , then the managers and the directors of the company take this relaxed style of coordinating their business . They have a vision to refresh everyone everyday and the values to take pride in their work , to be honest , fair and determined to win and have a passion for the action . With the same spirited investment as the worlds premier marketer and beverage industry leader for more than 118 years , Coca Cola are focused on the strategic workplace programs that help assure the success of our commitment to embracing the similarities and differences of the people , cultures and ideas . Diversity Advisory Council the Companys corporate Diversity Advisory Council consists of the representative group of employees from all the levels , functions and the business units of the organization . The Council develops recommendations for all the senior management on advancing the companys efforts , towards achieving our diversity objectives . Employee Forums Coca Cola believe that the sense of community enhances their ability to attract , retain and develop diverse talent and ideas as the source of competitive business advantage . In the United States , through employee forums , the employees can connect with the colleagues who share similar interests and backgrounds . In these forums and elsewhere , the employees support each others personal and the professional growth and enhance their individual and collective ability to contribute to the company . The success at Coca Cola is due to their laissez-faire culture and the culture is important because it can affect the people and the things to do with the business . If the culture of the business is not clear, it can affect the presence and the punctuality . This means that if Coca Cola had a firm and unfriendly culture , it could result in their staff not coming to work because of the poor working atmosphere , or they might not like the work they are given , so they either come in late or take the day of work . This would result in the business losing out on the work and have less time to call in for the replacement . The culture of the Coca Cola could have an affect on the industrial relations between the managers and the workers. So if the Coca Cola didnt have a warm and genial culture , it would cause more disagreements between the staff and the managers and the staff would not be motivated to work . For example staff may have to cut down on the rest days , this could cause arguments as all the staff would be tired from working everyday and would not have time to recover or time to relax down . However if the company had an inviting culture then the managers and the staff would get very well as the staff , would have less stress to compete with and would have the friendly environment to work in and the work could be done more efficiently . Team working is the sub culture within the Coca-Cola Company . Teams are accountable for the activities like :  · Quality  · Utilisation and  · Yield Within the system , there needs to be a balance of Utilisation , the speed the factory works at and the Yield . The Yield is the amount of raw materials lost or wasted . Teams also vary in the number and are lead by the team leader . A part of the culture and the management style in the Coca Cola Company in Edmonton , is its Employee Engagement . This consists of the following five points : * Realizations , delivery of the hard stuff is simply not enough . * Openly acknowledge this to the workforce . * Do what it takes to engage every employee in the space of 16 days . * Involved everyone in the design of the management style consistent with our vision and the values . * Identified talented individuals across the operation act as the internal facilitators to train out the new behavioral standards . On the factory floor at the Coca Cola , there is an autocratic system of the management where the employees are controlled by the managers and follow their procedures . There are also the elements of the democracy by the team work and uniform . Employees of the company all wear the same uniform , even if they are a manager , a director or a team leader . This means that there is no demarcation and there is the same uniform for the each level of the hierarchy , so nobody feels intimidated . The CCE have also adopted a Quality Culture and to maintain the quality within their products , they have the TQM department . This means the Total Quality Management where they have the staff , who deals with the quality of the Coca Cola . TECHNOLOGY ADVANCEMENT AT COCA COLA http://www.mobile-ent.biz/cimages/05dc7b5069fb141e89bda2d6ccd00217.jpg Over the past decade , the Coca Cola Company has invested around $60 million in the research and development to advance the use of the climate friendly , hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) free cooling technologies . HFC gas is the well known contributor to our planets global warming . The Company has improved their energy efficiency of the cooling equipment by around 40% , transitioned to HFC free insulation foam for the new equipment , eliminating around 75% of the direct GHG emissions and is phasing out the use of HFCs in all the new cold-drink equipment as of 2015, with more than 500,000 units of the HFC free refrigerated equipment already in use throughout the Coca Cola system . In the bottling plants , the Coca Cola has stabilized the emissions system wide and is working to return to the 2004 levels , while also achieving the 5% absolute emissions reduction below the 2004 baseline in the developed countries by 2015 , with the commitment to grow their business without growing the carbon in its manufacturing operations . Till date , the Coca Cola system has improved its energy efficiency of the global manufacturing operations by around 14% since 2004 . In 2010 the global greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing were reduced by around 2% , even as the sales volume increased by 5% . The emissions reductions can also be realized outside of the plant walls where the Coca Cola operates the largest heavy duty hybrid electric delivery fleets in North America with more than around 700 hybrid electric delivery trucks on the road . These trucks reduce fuel and the emissions by nearly 30% . There also are more than 800 light duty hybrid vehicles deployed in North America for the sales representatives . The Company also participates in the consumer facing cause campaigns related to the climate protection measures . In 2011 , with long-term conservation partner WWF the Coca Cola Company helped launch the Arctic Home , the largest cause marketing initiative ever executed by the Company or WWF . Active in the US and Canada , the campaign aimed to raise the widespread awareness and the funds to help protect the polar bear and its habitat . On related fronts , the climate change will alter the amount of available fresh water , further increasing demand for this critical natural resource . The sustainability of the Coca Cola Company products depends on the reliable access to the sources of water , as water is the main ingredient in every product the Company makes . It also is critical to the agricultural ingredients for its beverages . The Company set a global goal is to safely return to the nature and communities an amount of water equivalent to what is used in its beverages and their production by 2020 . To achieve this goal , the Coca Cola is focused on reducing its water use ratio , while increasing the product volume , recycling the water used in the manufacturing processes and returning it to the environment at the level that supports the aquatic life and replenishing or offsetting the water used in the finished beverages by participating in locally relevant community water projects . The Company is also working in innovative the ways to prevent waste over the life of its packaging . In 2009 , the Company launched PlantBottle packaging , the first ever fully recyclable PET plastic beverage bottle made partially from the plants . In 2011 , the Company introduced more than 6 billion PlantBottle packages in the 20 markets , helping save the equivalent annual emissions of around 100,000 metric tons of the carbon dioxide . By 2020 , the Companys goal is to use the Plant Bottle packaging for all of its PET plastic bottles . INNOVATION AT COCA COLA http://www.cleanmpg.com/photos/data/501/Coca-Cola_Products_-_soon_in_more_environemtally_friendly_bottle.jpg Coca Cola has been able to survive in the this changing market because of its ability to systematically innovate and to deliver the new products . It was apparent that the market was changing and in order to keep up with these changes , the Coca Cola had to move from the single core product to the total beverage company . The company began operating in the decentralized environment that was unfeasible in the previous years . Now the Coca Cola offers around 400 different products and is dominating the beverage industry . This is made possible by the companys ability to innovate and adapt to the changing markets . Globalization : Technology is continually changing the business and these constant changes have been making it more feasible and profitable for the businesses to expand their operations globally . Now the Coca Cola is taking the advantage of the large revenue opportunities , made possible by participating in the global market and it now offers products in nearly 200 countries around the world . TECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSIS : Technological Analysis for the Coca-Cola : Technological change creates the opportunities for the new products and product improvements and of course the new marketing techniques . Some factors that cause companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results are as follows : The new technology of the internet and television which use special effects for the advertising through the media. They make some products look very attractive . This helps in the selling of the products . Introduction of the cans and the plastic bottles have increased sales for the Coca Cola as these are very easier to carry and one can easily bin them once they are used . Due to the introduction of these machineries , the production of the Coca Cola company has been increased vastly then it was a few years ago . The Coca Cola has started the operations of its RD facility in India , with a view of localizing its product portfolio . The major focus would be on the non carbonated drinks and the flavours . The companys RD team has already rolled out the drinks such as Maaza aam panna and also athe Maaza mango milk drink and is also exploring the options to enter some new categories in India such as the juices in the localised flavours , energy drinks , sports drinks and the flavoured water . These initiatives are taken by the company to further expand their product portfolio . With the increasing importance of the 360 degree media tools and the overall ad spend on the social media sets likely to grow by around 44% , the Coca Cola has increased its ad spend on the internet . The case in point is the recent 2009 Sprite campaign , which was first launched on the internet .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

American Needs a Medical School Application Loan Program Essay

American Needs a Medical School Application Loan Program For more than a year, a large part of my time has been spent applying to medical schools. I have dedicated much energy to prepare for and take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), obtain multiple letters of recommendation from my professors, interview for a health professions committee letter of recommendation from my university, complete and submit the applications, and interview at various medical schools. Although this process proved to be a positive experience, the extraordinary cost of applying to medical schools poses a danger of limiting individuals with limited financial resources. Moreover, the lack of scholarship or loan programs to assist students with the application process further contributes to this danger. One of the first hurdles of applying to medical school is the MCAT. Although many students prepare for this exam on their own, a large portion of students choose to take preparatory classes offered by various private test preparation companies. These courses, which often cost in excess of $1000, teach students not only the basic concepts covered on the MCAT, but also helpful test-taking techniques unique to the MCAT. Thus, these preparatory classes may provide students with helpful advice and knowledge unavailable to those who cannot afford the classes. I attribute much of my success on the MCAT to these helpful hints; furthermore, many of my fellow pre-medical colleagues, who were unable to take the preparatory classes because of financial constraints, scored poorly on the exam. Hence, I believe MCAT preparation courses significantly increase one's probability of performing well on the MCAT, and, since these courses are out of reach for many... ...expenses should not impede a student's desire to apply to medical school and achieve his or her goal of becoming a physician. Although AMCAS and some medical schools have attempted to alleviate this problem by providing fee waivers or reductions, these efforts fall short of solving the problem of financial impedance to medical applicants. Many students from moderate income families cannot receive these fee waivers; moreover, their families cannot provide the $2000 to $3000 necessary to apply to medical school. Thus, I believe that the Department of Education, in conjunction with private loan companies, should provide low interest, medical school application loan programs. Through these loan programs, qualified students who lack necessary application funds, may rightfully apply to medical schools without facing the exuberant and potentially limiting application fees.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers fc

A big house, nice cars, 2.5 kids, a dog, a beautiful devoted spouse, power and a ridiculous amount of money. That is the classical American Dream, at least for some. One could say, an outsider perhaps, that Americans strive for the insurmountable goal of perfection, live, die and do unimaginable things for it, then call the product their own personal American Dream. Is having the American Dream possible? What is the American Dream? There is one answer for these two questions: The American Dream is tangible perfection. In reality, even in nature, perfection does not exist. Life is a series of imperfections that can make living really great or very unpleasant. Living the American Dream is living in perfection, and that by definition is not possible, thus deflating our precious American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves this fact in The Great Gatsby, through his scintillating characters and unique style. Characters in books often mirror the author's feelings towards the world around them. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald suggested the moral decline of the period in American history through the interpersonal relationships among his characters. The situations in the lives of the characters show the worthlessness of materialism, the futile quest of Myrtle and Gatsby, and how America 's moral values had diminished- through the actions of Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and Gatsby's party guests. Despite his newly acquired fortune, Gatsby still cannot afford his one true wish, therefore he cannot buy everything which is important to Daisy. "..Their love is founded upon feelings from the past, these give it, notwithstanding Gatsby's insistence on being able to repeat the past , an inviolability. It exists in the world of money and corruption but is not of it." (Lewis 48 ) In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the uses of literary technique of symbolism to reflect what life in the 1920's was like, through Fitzgerald's eyes. The image of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg's eyes is used to signify an ever watchful godlike figure. "Just as Wilson comes half—consciously to identify the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg with God, so the reader gradually becomes aware of them as representing some kind of detached intellect, brooding gloomily over life in the bleak waste land surrounding it, and presiding fatalistically over the little tragedy enacted as if in sacrifice before it." (Miller 36) The eyes not only symbolize a god—like being but also Fitzgerald himself and his negative views of 1920's society. F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers fc A big house, nice cars, 2.5 kids, a dog, a beautiful devoted spouse, power and a ridiculous amount of money. That is the classical American Dream, at least for some. One could say, an outsider perhaps, that Americans strive for the insurmountable goal of perfection, live, die and do unimaginable things for it, then call the product their own personal American Dream. Is having the American Dream possible? What is the American Dream? There is one answer for these two questions: The American Dream is tangible perfection. In reality, even in nature, perfection does not exist. Life is a series of imperfections that can make living really great or very unpleasant. Living the American Dream is living in perfection, and that by definition is not possible, thus deflating our precious American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves this fact in The Great Gatsby, through his scintillating characters and unique style. Characters in books often mirror the author's feelings towards the world around them. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald suggested the moral decline of the period in American history through the interpersonal relationships among his characters. The situations in the lives of the characters show the worthlessness of materialism, the futile quest of Myrtle and Gatsby, and how America 's moral values had diminished- through the actions of Daisy, Tom, Jordan, and Gatsby's party guests. Despite his newly acquired fortune, Gatsby still cannot afford his one true wish, therefore he cannot buy everything which is important to Daisy. "..Their love is founded upon feelings from the past, these give it, notwithstanding Gatsby's insistence on being able to repeat the past , an inviolability. It exists in the world of money and corruption but is not of it." (Lewis 48 ) In the novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses the uses of literary technique of symbolism to reflect what life in the 1920's was like, through Fitzgerald's eyes. The image of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg's eyes is used to signify an ever watchful godlike figure. "Just as Wilson comes half—consciously to identify the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg with God, so the reader gradually becomes aware of them as representing some kind of detached intellect, brooding gloomily over life in the bleak waste land surrounding it, and presiding fatalistically over the little tragedy enacted as if in sacrifice before it." (Miller 36) The eyes not only symbolize a god—like being but also Fitzgerald himself and his negative views of 1920's society.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Racism in Australia Essay

One in five people living in Australia have experienced racist abuse During the past year, 1 in 5 people living in Australia was a target of racial discrimination (around 4.6 million people). This is an increase from 1 in 8 the previous year (Source). 1 in 5 people living in Australia has been a target of verbal racial abuse (Source). Verbal abuse is the most common form of racism (Source). Nearly half of all Australian residents from a culturally and linguistically diverse background have experienced racism at some time in their life (Source). 7 in 10 teenagers have experienced racism (Source). 3 in 4 Indigenous Australians regularly experience racism (Source). Denial of racism in Australia Australia has a culture of denial when it comes to racism. We’ve created an infographic to explain this simply. It is based on the findings in the report Denial of racism and its implication for location action by Jacqueline Nelson, University of Western Sydney, 2013. Denial of racism in Australia perpetuates racist behaviour (Source). Conversely, increased awareness and acknowledgment of racism reduces it (Source). Speaking up reduces racism by helping perpetrators understand that their views are in the minority (Source), making them less likely to engage in prejudice and stereotyping behaviour (Source). Half of us are positive about cultural diversity While five in ten of us are positive about cultural diversity, four in ten are ambivalent about cultural diversity. One in ten have racist attitudes (Source). One in seven people living in Australia are against the concept of multiculturalism (Source). Three in ten people do not believe that immigrants make Australia stronger (Source), and one in three believe there are some cultural groups that do not belong in Australia (Source: VicHealth 2007). How does racism in Australia affect us? Cross-cultural tension affects everybody in our society. A range of health problems including high blood pressure and heart disease, depression, anxiety, low birth rate and premature birth can all be caused directly by people’s personal experiences of racism (Source). It also affects people’s employment and housing opportunities. For example, to get as many job interviews as an Anglo applicant, an Indigenous person must submit 35% more applications, a Chinese person 68% more, an Italian person 12% more, and a Middle Eastern person 64% more applications (Source). Racism can lead to violence, as seen in Melbourne and Sydney during the past decade. The Tourism Forecasting Committee says the number of Indians applying for student visas to Australia has plummeted by 46% due to racially-motivated attacks. This is a potential economic loss to Australia of up to $78 million. A solution to racism in Australia Most people know the solution to gender inequality requires both males and females to take action. Similarly, the solution to race inequality requires commitment and participation by everyone regardless of their cultural origin. This goal is achievable by working on both a local and national scale, in a range of settings, simultaneously. All Together Now’s contribution is to create innovative, evidence-based, and and effective social marketing aimed at preventing racism.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Life Cycle Analysis of the Fashion Industry

Life Cycle Analysis of the Fashion Industry BY caracal Industrial Ecology Practices in the Fashion Industry Introduction The industrial revolution in the sass brought a paradigm shift to the way humans interacted with the environment. The increased capability of producing and manufacturing on a large scale, the rise of multiple industries, growing demand and proliferation of hedonistic consumption patterns, has created a culture of surplus, want and waste. (Fallacy-Companion, 2012) From an environmental point of view, this resource hungry trend is unsustainable and has detrimental ecological impacts, such as pollution and climate change.These problems have highlighted the consequence of our insatiable demand for resources and the need to rethink current practices and thoughts in order to maintain current living standards and ensure future growth. The ideas of environmental management, industrial ecology and ecological footprint have been proposed to allow for a meticulous look to the products that we manufacture and use, with emphasis on measuring the ecological impacts in hopes of reducing them.A multitude of tools have since been created to measure efficiency in hopes to highlight areas for improvement, of which the ISO standard and Life cycle assessment are part of. Undoubtedly, many companies have adopted life cycle analysis (LLC) in order to assess and reduce their product's impact on the environment. The fashion industry, at its core, is based on the notion of continual consumption of the ‘new and the discard of the ‘old', especially with new seasonal lines coming out every 3 months.The industry celebrates creativity with the continuous turnover of trends, leading to the â€Å"premature product replacement and fashion obsolescence†. This constant change has major negative environmental and social impacts, particularly on those at the bottom of the supply chain. Ellwood et al, 2006; Whether and Leastwise, 2008) Moreover, delicates produc tion, often all over the world, is commonly practiced in line with the competitive advantages of different locales (such as low-cost labor, less stringent standards/regulations, strength in technology etc).Studies of Ellwood et al (2006), Madsen et al (2007) and Fletcher (2008) have highlighted issues of apparel waste as the majority of textile waste are not recycled or reuse but usually ends up in landfills. In this report, Nikkei Inc. And Levi Strauss & Co. Are chosen as case studies of the fashion industry for their efforts o apply LLC to their products. Life Cycle Assessment and IS014040 The International Organization for Standardization (SO) is an organization that aims to promote worldwide standards for proprietary, industrial and commercial purposes. ‘SO, 2013) The ISO 14000 series is a family of standards that related to environmental management, which aims to help organizations measure and minimize operations that will negatively affect the environment and comply with environmental regulations and audits required in the country of operation. For example, the ISO 14001 is integral to the European Union's CEO-Management and Audit Scheme (AMASS). AMASS, 2011) Before the development of the ISO 14000 series, most organizations had to rely on internal environmental management systems that made comparisons between companies difficult.The ISO 14040 standard focuses on Life Cycle Assessment. LLC is a technique to assess environment impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from its raw material extraction to its processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair, recycle and disposal. It is believed to encompass a larger scope of environmental concerns as the compiled inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases includes the attention impacts associated with the identified inputs and releases, which can then be interpreted to help make informed decisions and build corporate environmental strategies. EPA, 20 13) The method is most often used for the pinpointing potential for process improvements by assessing environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product's life. (Securing & Mueller, 2008) ISO 14040 standards shows how the LLC is to be carried out in four distinct phases as seen in Figure 1 before. Before any LLC can be carried out, an explicit goal and scope of the study, inclusive of technical details, has to be defined. This can then serve as a reference to guide the subsequent work.The functional unit, system boundaries, assumptions and limitations as well as the impact categories are identified and set in this first phase. The life cycle inventory analysis will then carry on from phase one by creating an inventory of all flows (input and output) between the stages of a product system, inclusive of all activities in the relevant supply chain and gives a clear picture of the system boundaries. Only when this is complete can the life cycle impact assessment be carried ou t.This is the most complex stage of the process as it aims to evaluate he significance of potential environmental impacts and calculate the input and output from the inventory. At the end of the assessment, the information gathered is evaluated and the assessment is objectively assessed before the identification of significant issues and problems, its evaluation and limitations are put forth. Figure 1 : The 4 phases of LLC (http://en. Wisped. Org/wick/ File:PhasesOfLifeCycleAnalysis. Eng) Current Context and Trends Environmental Management has progressed significantly over the years with regulations becoming more stringent and accountability expectations higher. Figure taken from Penman's (1999) report shows a simple evolution of environmental policies and their primary characteristics from the sass to present, whereby attitudes towards the environment have changes from merely managing the problem in the early days to one that is more actively involved in trying to prevent problems. Figure 2: Evolution of environmental management (Seaman, 1999) Within the industry and companies, Lamming ; Hampton (1996) stresses the need for companies to engage in environmental management as public pressure is and will continue to be a major factor. In their study, 75% of customers state that they would consider a Meany's environmental reputation when purchasing and 80% of those would be willing to pay a premium for an environmentally friendlier product.Although there are limitations to their study, in that the sentiment may only be shared by the European community of consumers, there is a trend whereby consumers are becoming more green conscious. Hawked et al (1999) in the book ‘Natural Capitalism' also calls for companies to embrace a new industrialism that will create profits and jobs while saving the environment, through the creation of a closed-loop supply chain that will generate more value and profit. By aggressive recycling, there is the potential of reducing up t o 90% of energy and materials consumption.Although individual organizations are recognizing the need and their responsibility to address environmental and sustainability issues, there remains a lack of systematic and coordinated effort across the board. At a larger and general scale, there has been an increase of government level interest and engagement to transition sustainability at the firm and facility level, to one that is more holistic and encompasses production sustainability throughout the value chain. Golden et al, 2011) President Obama issued Executive Order 13514 in 2009 that requires â€Å"the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, obtain 50% diversion rates of solid waste, pursue opportunities with vendors to reduce greenhouse gas (GOGH) emissions, ensure procurement preferences for energy-efficient products, and reduce consumption of paper with low recycled content†. Likewise the Securities Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission are driving the use of sustainable product design and supply chains by the issuance of directives and interpretive guidance. Golden et al, 2011) Since the fiasco of â€Å"sweatshop† labor in the sass, leading to public outcry and clash on the fashion industry, there has been unison of calls for greater accountability. (Whether and Leastwise, 2008; Clownish et al, 2012) Especially in an industry where the consumers are the largest stakeholders; public opinion is crucial and highly influential. This helps the environmental cause when more consumers become green conscious and demand for a smaller ecological footprint. There is a need to cater to these consumers and for companies to set themselves apart from their competitors. Kumar & Amalgamate, 2006) Environmental consciousness has been worked into the corporate social responsibility (CAR) of many companies and increasingly, in the fashion industry, CEO-fashion is trying to capture a larger share of the mainstream market with fashionable and envi ronmental apparel. Regions, 2006) There is also the emergence of industry consortia such as the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the Sustainability Consortium (TTS) and the Outdoor Industry Association (IA), all of which are multi-stakeholder organizations that are suited for establishing standardized metrics for regulation.Nikkei and Levies are both part of the SAC. Case study: LEVI STRAUSS & CO. Company Background The company, Levi Strauss & Co. Was founded by its namesake, Levi Strauss onetime in the mid-sass. It started off as a dry goods wholesaler before collaboration between Levi and Jacob Davis, a tailor, in 1872 saw the filing for its patented rivet pants- the start of the denim company that it is known for today. Over the years, the company have grown tremendously and has expanded its brands carried.Its current brands include Levi'†, [email  protected], Signature by Levi Strauss & Co. And [email  protected] The company has a vision to be â€Å"the embodiment of the energy and events of our times, inspiring people with a pioneering spirit† (Levi, 2013) and is committed to a variety of issues in its public policy approach that includes read, worker rights, equality and the environment. Since the sass, with the rise of global environmental concerns and problems, Levies have been working on reducing the environmental impact of its products.This was done by complying with environmental regulations, implementing a Code of Conduct for its suppliers- ensuring a reduction of water consumption and ending the use of harmful chemicals on its Restricted Substances List, switching to organic cotton when possible and increasing the amount of recycled materials in their end product. In 2007, as part of an attempt at a consolidated look at the company's environmental impact, a LLC was one on 2 products- a pair of Levi'† 5018 stonewashed Sears and the [email  protected] original khakis.This enabled the company to develop strategies that wi ll address the greatest impacts on the environment to ensure longevity in the industry. (Levi, 2013) Levies introduced its water;less Sears in 2011 and its waste;Less Sears in 2013. Waste;Less Sears has a minimum of 20% post-consumer recycled content (from PET bottles) instead of cotton. Ferries, 2013) Levies Life Cycle Assessment Levies product lifestyle assessment focuses on a quantitative method that looks at ass and energy balance using direct and indirect data over the â€Å"cradle to grave† lifespan of the product.A disclaimer on their website states that this LLC does not include social or economic impacts. In the input/output inventory aspect of the LLC, indirect data of mass and energy inputs are taken from extensive industry-average data sets. Together with the system analysis of the lifestyle assessment, in accordance with ISO 14040 requirements, the data is then translated to calculate the environmental impacts of the system. Figure 3 below shows the 6 stage syste m analysis of the 5018 Sears taken from the Levies website, that starts from the cotton production till the end of life after consumer use.Figure 3: LLC of a pair of Levies 501 Sears (http://alleviators. Com/sites/default/files/ liberationists/2012/4/ca-summary-2012-update. PDF) Phase 1: Goals and Scope Levies wanted their LLC to be done on a high volume product, produced for the U. S. Market during the 2006 production year. The Levi'† 5018, medium stonewashed Jean was chosen. The data compiled from Levi Strauss and Co. ‘s suppliers is processed via Gab 4 software datasets, following the ISO 14040 series standards. The LLC was conducted by PEP Americas from Boston, MA.The results were intended for internal use and with the option to share selected data publicly after addition reviews. Phase 2: Inventory Analysis Figure 4 shows the system boundary of the Levies 501 Jean, from the different places where cotton is sources, the different production plants, distribution chann els to its end. Figure 4: Levies 501 Jean System Boundary (Levi, 2013) Phase 3: Impact assessment After gathering information and data, Levies was able to measure the climate change, energy and water use of their best-selling Sears, with interesting results.A pair of original Levies has a global warming potential of 15 keg CA equivalent, consumes MAIM] of energy in its production process and only has 1% of its ingredients that are recycled. (Gaskin, 2012) Figures 5-7 show a breakdown of the weight of different factors and their impacts. Unsurprisingly, the growth of cotton was the most water intensive stage in the LLC, with the usage of the Jean being the next highest. Usage however was by far, the biggest contributor of energy use and climate change.This is due to the long lifespan of the Jean (denim as a material can be quite hardy) and the instant wash cycles can add up significantly over time. Figure 5: Impacts on energy use (Levi, 2013) Figure 6: Impacts on water use (Levi, 201 3) Figure 7: Impacts on climate change (Levi, 2013) Phase 4: Interpretation From the LLC, Levies realized that the majority of environmental impacts occur in the lifestyle phases that are outside their direct control. Reducing the overall environmental impact requires a two-pronged approach of focusing on internal operations whilst engaging consumers.Internally, Levi started looking at cotton production at the farmer's level, switching to organic cotton when possible and articulating in projects such as the â€Å"Better Cotton Initiative†, as cotton growing is water intensive. They also reduced product packaging and tweaked product design and manufacturing to reduce their water and energy use- the water